Sermons from 2024

Matthew | King & Kingdom | Honoring Christ In Our Relationships
SERIES: Matthew (King & Kingdom) PASSAGE: Matthew 5:21-26 TITLE: Honoring Christ In Our Relationships OUTLINE: 1. The Heart of Murder 2. The Importance of Reconciliation 3. The Urgency of Friendship

Christmas Service 2024 | The Glory of Christmas
PASSAGE: John 1:14 OUTLINE: 1. Glory Concealed by Flesh 2. Glory Revealed by Faith

Christmas Hymn Sing Service 2024 | Life & Light
PASSAGE: John 1:4 TITLE: Life & Light OUTLINE: 1. The Life of Christ 2. The Light of Men

Equipping Hour | A Good Servant of Christ Trains for Godliness
Equipping Hour Title: A Good Servant of Christ Trains for Godliness Passage: 1st Timothy 4:6-8

Guest Speaker | Saved To Be Holy
Kelly Abbott TITLE: Saved To Be Holy PASSAGE: 1st Peter 1:10-21

Equipping Hour | Pastoral Leadership through Modeling and Teaching
PASSAGE: 1 Timothy 4:11-13

Guest Preacher : Amel Dominguez | Joy, Thanksgiving Over Redemption in Christ
PASSAGE: Colossians 1:3-14 TITLE: Joy, Thanksgiving Over Redemption in Christ

Romans | His Grace is Greater
PASSAGE: Romans 5:15 TITLE: His Grace is Greater OUTLINE: 1. A Great Difference 2. A Great Fall 3. A Great Gift

Equipping Hour | Christian Ethics | Biblical Principles for Dating
SERIES: Christian Ethics TITLE: Biblical Principles for Dating

Matthew | The Christian and The Law
SERIES: Matthew PASSAGE: Matthew 5:17-20 TITLE: The Christian and The Law OUTLINE: 1. The Epitome of The Law 2. The Exercise of The Law

Thanksgiving Service | Give Thanks
SERIES: Thanksgiving Service PASSAGE: 1 Thessalonians 5:18 TITLE: Give Thanks

Equipping Hour | Christian Ethics | Thinking About Dating?
SERIES: Christian Ethics TITLE: Thinking About Dating?