Sermons from 2022 (Page 7)

Exodus: Meet Your Redeemer | Following God
God’s Guidance Is Wise God’s Guidance Is Faithful God’s Guidance Is Sufficient

Resurrection Sunday | Believe In The Risen King
Receive Christ’s Peace Receive Christ’s Favor Receive Christ’s Life

The Church | Deacons: Servants of the Church
Passage: 1st Timothy 3: 8-13 The Habits of The Servant The Home of The Servant The Hope of The Servant

The Church | The Life of The Shepherd
Passage: 1st Peter 5: 1-4 Remember Christ’s Glory Reflect Christ’s Example Receive Christ’s Reward

Call Out To God for His Power
Passage: Ephesians 3: 14-21

The Church | The Elders of The Church
Passage: 1st Timothy 3: 1-7 Follow Christ’s Example Through Your Elders Follow Christ’s Rule Through Your Elders

The Church | Baptism
Passage: Matthew 28:29 Baptism Into Christ Baptism Into One Body Baptism In The Church