Sermons from October 2022

The Ten Commandments (part 3)
SERIES: Exodus: Meet Your Redeemer PASSAGE: Exodus 20:12 TITLE: The Ten Commandments (part 3) OUTLINE: Render Honor Require Honor The Reward of Honor

“My Sheep Hear My Voice”: 7 Foundational Truths for the Assurance of Your Salvation
PASSAGE: John 10:27-30 1. Jesus’ Sheep Hear their Shepherd’s Voice 2. Jesus’ Sheep Are Known Personally by their Shepherd 3. Jesus’ Sheep Follow their Shepherd 4. Jesus’ Sheep Are Eternally Safe 5. Jesus’ Sheep Are Under Christ’s Permanent Protection 6. Jesus’ Sheep are a Gift from the Father 7. Jesus’ Sheep are Under the Father’s Permanent Protection

Equipping Hour | The Foreknowledge of God & The Wrath of God
Watch recordings by Steven J. Lawson.

Exodus: Meet Your Redeemer | The Ten Commandments (part 1)
PASSAGE: Exodus 20:1-6 Remember God’s Salvation Reject Other Gods Remove Your Idols