Sermons from 2021 (Page 4)

God’s Chosen Instrument

SERIES: Meet Your Redeemer (Exodus) PASSAGE: Exodus 4:1-31 TITLE: God’s Chosen Instrument OUTLINE:  Be Powerless Be Teachable Be Obedient

A God Who Cares

SERIES: Meet Your Redeemer (Exodus) PASSAGE: Exodus 3:15-22 TITLE: A God Who Cares OUTLINE:  Know That Your God Is Not Distant Know That Your Suffering Is Not Wasted

The True Power of Faith

SERIES: Meet Your Redeemer (Exodus) PASSAGE: Exodus 3:10-14 TITLE: The True Power of Faith  OUTLINE:  Believe Him Alone Believe He Is Yahweh Believe He Is Enough

Behold The Risen Lord

PASSAGE: Mark 16:1-8 TITLE: Behold The Risen Lord OUTLINE:  See Jesus’ Empty Tomb See Jesus’ Finished Work See Jesus For Yourself

Good Friday Service

PASSAGE: Mark 15:1-15 TITLE: What Will You Do With Jesus? OUTLINE:  Will You Be Hateful? Will You Be Passive? Will You Be Barabbas?

The True Power of Faith

SERIES: Meet Your Redeemer (Exodus) PASSAGE: Exodus 3:3-14 TITLE: The True Power of Faith  OUTLINE:  Trust God’s Word, Not Your Sight Trust God’s Character, Not Yourself

The Glory And Folly of Independence

SERIES: Meet Your Redeemer (Exodus) PASSAGE: Exodus 3:1-3 TITLE: The Glory And Folly of Independence OUTLINE:  Be Amazed By The Self-Sustaining God Be Sustained By The Self-Sustaining God

An Unlikely Savior | Exodus 2:1-25

SERIES: Meet Your Redeemer (Exodus) PASSAGE: Exodus 2:1-25 TITLE: An Unlikely Savior OUTLINE:  Receive God’s Chosen One Receive God’s Compassion