Sermons from 2016

Politics, Prophets, and Protest

Text: Mark 6:14-29 Mark used the account of John the Baptist’s death to show the cost of discipleship and to foreshadow the death of Jesus. I. Jesus is like John and John is like Jesus (v. 14-16) II. John denounced Herod and Herod seized John (v. 17-20) III. Herod bowed to pressure and John became a martyr (v. 21-29)

Christ’s Authorized Agents

Text: Mark 6:7-13 I. Jesus commissioned the Twelve (v. 7) II. Jesus instructed them to go unencumbered (v. 8-10) III. Jesus prepared them to shake the dust off  (v. 11) IV. The Twelve fulfilled their commission (v. 12-13)

Jesus the Hometown Boy

Text: Mark 6:1-6 Mark revealed the wide rejection Jesus experienced in his hometown, reinforcing the utter depravity of man. I. The Nazarenes Rejected Jesus (v. 1-3) II. Jesus Denies the Nazarenes (v. 4-6)

From Among The Tombs

Text: Mark 5:1-20 I. Demons plague and subdue a helpless victim (v. 1-5) II. Jesus subdues the demons and delivers the man (v. 6-13) III. The townspeople reject Jesus (v. 14-17) IV. The new man embraces Jesus (v. 18-20)