Sermons by Paul Sanchez (Page 5)
From a High Point to a Low Point
Text: Mark 8:31-9:1 I. The Disclosure (v. 31-32a) II. The Rebuke (v. 32b-33) III. The Challenge (v. 34-37) IV. The Warning (v. 38) V. The Reward (v. 9:1)
The Declaration
Text: Mark 8:22-30 Let us behold Jesus as he is: the Christ and the Savior. I. Jesus Opens the Eyes of the Blind II. Jesus is the Christ
The Infinite Healer
Mark concludes his series of Jesus’ miracles and highlights Jesus’ power and renown. Text: Mark 6:53-56 Jesus and the disciples reach shore (v. 53) Jesus is a celebrity (v. 54-56a) Jesus is the boundless healer (v. 56)