Sermons by Aaron Vega (Page 26)

Christ-Exalting Leadership

SERIES: The Church PASSAGE: Acts 20:17-24 TITLE: Christ-Exalting Leadership OUTLINE:  Performed Biblically Personal Involvement Perseverance In Ministry Proclamation of Christ Priority of Obedience Persistent Selflessness

A Savior Is Born

PASSAGE: Luke 2:1-20 TITLE: A Savior Is Born OUTLINE:  The Meekness of Christ’s Birth The Majesty of Christ’s Birth

The Church: Unity In Diversity (Part 3)

SERIES: The Church PASSAGE: Ephesians 4:1-16 TITLE: Unity In Diversity (part 3) OUTLINE:  Answer God’s Call To Unity Accept The Gifts of Christ Apply Your Gift In Ministry Advance In Spiritual Maturity

The Church: Unity In Diversity (Part 2)

SERIES: The Church PASSAGE: Ephesians 4:1-16 TITLE: Unity In Diversity (part 2) OUTLINE:  Answer God’s Call To Unity Accept The Gifts of Christ Apply Your Gift In Ministry Advance In Spiritual Maturity

The Church: Unity In Diversity (Part 1)

SERIES: The Church PASSAGE: Ephesians 4:1-16 TITLE: Unity In Diversity (part 1) OUTLINE:  Answer God’s Call To Unity Accept The Gifts of Christ Apply Your Gift In Ministry Advance In Spiritual Maturity

The True Church

SERIES: The Church PASSAGE: Matthew 16:13-20 TITLE: The True Church OUTLINE: Adore Jesus Christ Affirm The Truth Acknowledge Christ’s Supremacy Announce The Gospel

The Redemption of the Firstborn

SERIES: Meet Your Redeemer (Exodus) PASSAGE: Exodus 13:11-16 TITLE: The Urgency of Remembrance OUTLINE:  Recognize God’s Ownership Rest In God’s Redemption Remember God’s Power