Sermons by Aaron Vega (Page 2)

Matthew | Love In Christ’s Kingdom
Matthew Matthew 5:43-48 Love In Christ’s Kingdom 1. Love The Unlovely 2. Love The Unlikely 3. Love Perfectly “Matthew 5, I’m sorry. Matthew 5. We are finishing up chapter 5 this morning, hopefully. Looking at verses 43 to 48, this last time that Jesus says, You have heard it said, but I say to you. So, let’s go from Matthew 5 verse 43. You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But…

Redeemed Womenhood | Suffering & Glory | Submission in the World
PASSAGE: 1 Peter 2:13-25

Redeemed Manhood | Suffering & Glory | Submission in the World
Redeemed Manhood Series: Suffering & Glory Title: Submission in the World Passage: 1 Peter 2:13-25

Matthew | Promises in The Kingdom
PASSAGE: Matthew 5:31-37 OUTLINE: 1. Vows of Marriage 2. Vows of Man 3. Vows of Merit

Matthew | Purity in The Kingdom
PASSAGE: Matthew 5:27-30 OUTLINE: 1. Purity of Heart 2. Purity of Life

Matthew | King & Kingdom | Honoring Christ In Our Relationships
SERIES: Matthew (King & Kingdom) PASSAGE: Matthew 5:21-26 TITLE: Honoring Christ In Our Relationships OUTLINE: 1. The Heart of Murder 2. The Importance of Reconciliation 3. The Urgency of Friendship

Christmas Service 2024 | The Glory of Christmas
PASSAGE: John 1:14 OUTLINE: 1. Glory Concealed by Flesh 2. Glory Revealed by Faith

Christmas Hymn Sing Service 2024 | Life & Light
PASSAGE: John 1:4 TITLE: Life & Light OUTLINE: 1. The Life of Christ 2. The Light of Men

Romans | His Grace is Greater
PASSAGE: Romans 5:15 TITLE: His Grace is Greater OUTLINE: 1. A Great Difference 2. A Great Fall 3. A Great Gift