The Church (Page 2)

The Church | The Elders of The Church
Passage: 1st Timothy 3: 1-7 Follow Christ’s Example Through Your Elders Follow Christ’s Rule Through Your Elders

The Church | Baptism
Passage: Matthew 28:29 Baptism Into Christ Baptism Into One Body Baptism In The Church

The Church | The Lord’s Supper
Passage: Matthew 26: 26-29 Look to the Past Look to Christ Look to the Future

The Church | Christ-Centered Worship
Passage: Colossians 3:16 Study the Glories of Christ Sing the Glories of Christ
The Church | Pillar of The Truth of Christ
PASSAGE: 1 Timothy 3:14-16 Know How To Act Know Who You Are Know What We Believe
The Church | Church Discipline
Passage: Matthew 18:15-20 Know The Purpose Know The Process Know Your Part
Christ-Exalting Leadership
SERIES: The Church PASSAGE: Acts 20:17-24 TITLE: Christ-Exalting Leadership OUTLINE: Performed Biblically Personal Involvement Perseverance In Ministry Proclamation of Christ Priority of Obedience Persistent Selflessness
The Church: Unity In Diversity (Part 2)
SERIES: The Church PASSAGE: Ephesians 4:1-16 TITLE: Unity In Diversity (part 2) OUTLINE: Answer God’s Call To Unity Accept The Gifts of Christ Apply Your Gift In Ministry Advance In Spiritual Maturity
The Church: Unity In Diversity (Part 1)
SERIES: The Church PASSAGE: Ephesians 4:1-16 TITLE: Unity In Diversity (part 1) OUTLINE: Answer God’s Call To Unity Accept The Gifts of Christ Apply Your Gift In Ministry Advance In Spiritual Maturity
The Importance of The Church
SERIES: The Church PASSAGE: Matthew 16:18-20 TITLE: The Importance of The Church
The True Church
SERIES: The Church PASSAGE: Matthew 16:13-20 TITLE: The True Church OUTLINE: Adore Jesus Christ Affirm The Truth Acknowledge Christ’s Supremacy Announce The Gospel
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