Sermons on Matthew (Page 3)

Baptism Service | Owning and Owned by Christ
Baptism Service Owning and Owned by Christ Title: Matthew 10:32-33

Kingdom Giving | Finding Financial Freedom in Spiritual Slavery
PASSAGE: Matthew 6:19-24 Choose Your Love Choose Your Master

The Church | Baptism
Passage: Matthew 28:29 Baptism Into Christ Baptism Into One Body Baptism In The Church

The Church | The Lord’s Supper
Passage: Matthew 26: 26-29 Look to the Past Look to Christ Look to the Future
The Church | Church Discipline
Passage: Matthew 18:15-20 Know The Purpose Know The Process Know Your Part
The Importance of The Church
SERIES: The Church PASSAGE: Matthew 16:18-20 TITLE: The Importance of The Church
The True Church
SERIES: The Church PASSAGE: Matthew 16:13-20 TITLE: The True Church OUTLINE: Adore Jesus Christ Affirm The Truth Acknowledge Christ’s Supremacy Announce The Gospel
Why Did Christ Come?
SERIES: Christ Our Redeemer PASSAGE: Matthew 20:28 TITLE: Why Did Christ Come? OUTLINE: The Son of Man Came To Earth The Son of Man Came To Serve The Son of Man Came To Redeem
Joining Christ In The Harvest
SERIES: Missions Month PASSAGE: Matthew 9:35-38 TITLE: Joining Christ In The Harvest OUTLINE: Missions Requires Going Missions Requires Compassion Missions Requires You