Sermons on Matthew (Page 2)

Matthew | Delighting In God’s Mercy
PASSAGE: Matthew 5:7 OUTLINE: 1. Mercy Shown 2. Mercy Required 3. Mercy Promised

Matthew | Hungry and Satisfied
SERIES: Matthew PASSAGE: Matthew 5:6 TITLE: Hungry and Satisfied OUTLINE: 1. Desiring Righteousness 2. Delighting In Righteousness

Matthew | Humble and Hungry
PASSAGE: Matthew 5:5-6 OUTLINE: 1. Honor in Humility 2. Fullness in Need

Matthew | Poor in Spirit, Rich in Christ
PASSAGE: Matthew 5:3 OUTLINE: 1. The State of Blessedness 2. The Spirit of Poverty 3. The Surety of Heaven

Matthew | The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached
PASSAGE: Matthew 5:1-2 OUTLINE: 1. The Breadth of The Sermon 2. The Depth of The Sermon

Matthew | A Glorious Beginning
SERIES: Matthew PASSAGE: Matthew 4:12-25 TITLE: A Glorious Beginning OUTLINE: 1. Jesus Is Light 2. Jesus Is Life 3. Jesus Is Lord

Matthew | The Crowning of the King
SERIES: Matthew PASSAGE: Matthew 3:13-17 TITLE: The Crowning of The King OUTLINE: 1. The King’s Arrival 2. The King’s Anointing 3. The King’s Announcement

Matthew | The Voice in the Wilderness
PASSAGE: Matthew 3:1-12 TITLE: The Voice in the Wilderness OUTLINE: 1. The Invitation 2. The Inhibition 3. The Introduction

Matthew | Christ The Great Fulfillment
SERIES: Matthew PASSAGE: Matthew 2:13-23 TITLE: Christ The Great Fulfillment OUTLINE: 1. A Greater Moses 2. A Greater Master 3. A Greater Method

Matthew | A Captivating King
SERIES: Matthew PASSAGE: Matthew 2:1-12 TITLE: A Captivating King OUTLINE: 1. Worthy of Your Passion 2. Worthy of Your Praise

Matthew | God With Us
PASSAGE: Matthew 1:18-25 OUTLINE: 1. Divine Pedigree 2. Divine Purpose 3. Divine Presence

Matthew | King of Kings
PASSAGE: Matthew 1:1-17 OUTLINE: 1. The Foretold King 2. The Foremost King 3. The Forgiving King