Sermons on 1 Timothy

Equipping Hour | A Good Servant of Christ Trains for Godliness
Equipping Hour Title: A Good Servant of Christ Trains for Godliness Passage: 1st Timothy 4:6-8

Equipping Hour | Pastoral Leadership through Modeling and Teaching
PASSAGE: 1 Timothy 4:11-13

Doing Church God’s Way | A Christ-Centered Church
PASSAGE: 1 Timothy 3:14-16 1. The Church’s Definition 2. The Church’s Declaration

The Church | Deacons: Servants of the Church
Passage: 1st Timothy 3: 8-13 The Habits of The Servant The Home of The Servant The Hope of The Servant

The Church | The Elders of The Church
Passage: 1st Timothy 3: 1-7 Follow Christ’s Example Through Your Elders Follow Christ’s Rule Through Your Elders
The Church | Pillar of The Truth of Christ
PASSAGE: 1 Timothy 3:14-16 Know How To Act Know Who You Are Know What We Believe