Equipping Hour | Christian Ethics | Called to Freedom (Pt. 2)
SERIES: Christian Ethics
Matthew | The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached
PASSAGE: Matthew 5:1-2 OUTLINE: 1. The Breadth of The Sermon 2. The Depth of The Sermon
Summer Series 2024 | Fighting Satan | The Lies of The Adversary
Summer 2024 Series: Fighting Satan Title : The Lies of The Adversary Passage: 1 Peter 5:8
Live Stream | Baptism Service | Christ is All You Need
Series: Baptism PASSAGE: Isaiah 55:1-9 TITLE: Christ Is All You Need OUTLINE: 1. Find Satisfaction in Christ 2. Find Forgiveness in Christ
Matthew | A Glorious Beginning
SERIES: Matthew PASSAGE: Matthew 4:12-25 TITLE: A Glorious Beginning OUTLINE: 1. Jesus Is Light 2. Jesus Is Life 3. Jesus Is Lord
Equipping Hour | Christian Ethics | Called to Freedom
EQUIPPING HOUR INFO: SERIES: Christian Ethics TITLE: Called to Freedom
Matthew | Tempted, Tried, and Never Failing
PASSAGE: Matthew 4:1-11 OUTLINE: 1. A Test of Satisfaction 2. A Test of Faith 3. A Test of Worship
Matthew | The Crowning of the King
SERIES: Matthew PASSAGE: Matthew 3:13-17 TITLE: The Crowning of The King OUTLINE: 1. The King’s Arrival 2. The King’s Anointing 3. The King’s Announcement
Equipping Hour | Christian Ethics | Knowing Right and Wrong
EQUIPPING HOUR SERIES: Christian Ethics TITLE: Knowing Right and Wrong
Equipping Hour | Discipleship | Helping Your Disciple Kill Sin (Pt. 2)
Equipping Hour |Discipleship | Helping Your Disciple Kill Sin (Pt. 2)
Matthew | The Voice in the Wilderness
PASSAGE: Matthew 3:1-12 TITLE: The Voice in the Wilderness OUTLINE: 1. The Invitation 2. The Inhibition 3. The Introduction