ReGen Students Ministry

ReGen Students Ministry

ReGen Students Ministry exists to redeem this generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that the teens of today are the “generation to come” that is anticipated in Psalm 78:4, “recount to the generation to come the praises of Yahweh, And His strength and His wondrous deeds that He has done.” God is committed to glorify Himself through His Son in every generation for He alone is worthy. What an awesome privilege we have to serve the Lord in this way.

The church is called to make disciples of Christ (Matthew 28:18-20). Therefore, the goal of ReGen Student Ministry is to be used by God to make disciples of Christ who worship God and follow all that Christ has commanded. We desire to produce true born again believers who are devoted to Christ, who love Him and serve Him with their whole life. We desire to produce young men and women who are strong in their faith and understanding of God’s Word, able to face adulthood with a resolve to exalt Christ. Disciples who love and follow Jesus Christ, this is the goal of student ministry.

When: Every other Sunday at 6:00pm. Please see our events calendar for exact dates:

** To register your child for ReGen, follow the link below. All students must register to participate in ReGen.**

Also, attached are the liability release and participation forms for your child. These must be completed and signed prior to your child participating in ReGen. Please bring a signed copy for each child on Sunday (there are 2 pages).

Questions? Email us at