When and Where
Redeemer’s Kids meets during our Sunday morning worship service. We ask that parents check their kids in 5-10 minutes before the service starts and pick them up immediately after service. Please note that Redeemer’s Kids leaders will not release your child until you sign them out. There is NO class on the first week of each month, we encourage all families to enjoy our Communion Service together.
Safety for your child is our priority. All of our teachers are in good standing with the church, California State Fingerprint Background checked, and annually put through a child safety training course.
Generations of Grace teaches kids ages 3-11 year old about the overall narrative of the Bible. It ranges from Genesis (year 1) all the way through Revelation (year 3). Kids who start this curriculum with us will go through the Bible multiple times before graduating into Junior High.

Click the link below for the weekly memory verses: