Community Groups
Community Groups Community Groups is our home fellowship and Bible study ministry at Redeemer Bible Church. This ministry exists to allow the saints to practice the “one another’s” of the New Testament (Acts 2:46). Community Groups are open to all. We gather in homes to sing, pray, teach, and fellowship with the saints. These meetings are informal gatherings where we connect to one another’s lives and fellowship over snacks. When: Community Groups meet on Wednesday’s & Tuesday’s at 7:00 PM…
Kid’s Club
Coming Soon
Equipping Hour
Equipping Hour Equipping Hour is our teaching and equipping ministry at Redeemer Bible Church. This ministry exists to equip the saints for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-13). This class is geared to be slightly interactive as we study the Scriptures together. We teach through various biblical doctrines as well as different life topics. When Equipping Hour is every Sunday morning at 9 AM at Redeemer Bible Church. It is open to all ages. Sorry, no children’s ministries or nursery…

ReGen Students Ministry
ReGen Students Ministry exists to redeem this generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ. We believe that the teens of today are the “generation to come” that is anticipated in Psalm 78:4, “recount to the generation to come the praises of Yahweh, And His strength and His wondrous deeds that He has done.” God is committed to glorify Himself through His Son in every generation for He alone is worthy. What an awesome privilege we have to serve the Lord…
Redeemer’s Kids
When and Where Redeemer’s Kids meets during our Sunday morning worship service. We ask that parents check their kids in 5-10 minutes before the service starts and pick them up immediately after service. Please note that Redeemer’s Kids leaders will not release your child until you sign them out. There is NO class on the first week of each month, we encourage all families to enjoy our Communion Service together. SafEty Safety for your child is our priority. All of…
Worship Ministry
Christ-Centered Worship The Bible calls for the singing of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Ephesians 5:19); the use of instruments in worship (1 Chron 15:16; Psalm 150); and the use of choirs and masters of song to teach and lead in praise (1 Chron 15:27; 2 Chron 23:13). It is the function of the worship ministry to assist the congregation to exalt Christ in the worship and praise of God, seeking satisfaction in His fullness. Songs We Sing Coming soon…
Redeemed Womanhood
REDEEMED WOMANHOOD Redeemed Womanhood is our women’s ministry at Redeemer Bible Church. This ministry exists to teach and train women how to glorify Christ in their womanhood in the home, church, and beyond. We gather together to sing, pray, and hear from God’s Word. We help and encourage women to apply the Word of God to their lives and roles as redeemed women of God (Titus 2:3-5). Redeemed Womanhood meets at Redeemer Bible Church every 3rd Thursday of the month,…
Redeemed Manhood
REDEEMED MANHOOD Redeemed Manhood is our men’s ministry at Redeemer Bible Church. This ministry exists to teach and train men how to glorify Christ in their manhood in the home, church, and beyond. We gather together to sing, pray, and hear from God’s Word. We help and encourage men to apply the Word of God to their lives and roles as redeemed men of God (Titus 2:2). Redeemed Manhood meets at Redeemer Bible Church every 3rd Tuesday of the month,…