
The Biblical Church
The Biblical Church Excerpt from “The Master’s Plan for the Church” by John F. MacArthur Jr. The church is a living community of people redeemed by Jesus Christ. No one is more visible to the watching world than those who are in leadership over the church. They are the ones the world will point to as examples of what Christians are. We’ve seen in recent years how a handful of highly visible but disqualified men can sully the reputation of…
Worship Lyrics for February 4th, 2024
Dear Redeemer Family, Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! As we navigate the challenges brought about by the power outage in our area, we are reminded of the steadfastness of our faith and the unity we share as a body of believers. In the spirit of Colossians 3:16, which encourages us to let the word of Christ dwell in us richly, we want to assure you that, despite the circumstances, we…

Children’s Guide for Christmas Hymn Sing 2023
Thank you for participating in this years Christmas Hymn Sing! Below you find the music and lyrics for the songs the children will be singing. Children’s Guide Event Location Date Time Practice #1 Redeemer Bible Church 12/10 Immediately after Service Practice #2 Redeemer Bible Church 12/17 Immediately after Service Hymn Sing Redeemer Bible Church 12/17 6:00 PM Music: This year RBC worship team will accompany the children while they sing. Lyrics: THE FIRST NOEL Verse 1: The first No-el…

2023 Redeemer Kids Memory Verses
Each week your child will begin memorizing a new Bible verse in their Redeemer Kids Sunday School class. They will be given a printed copy of the verse to take home with them so that YOU may help them complete memorization of the verse before the next class. Below is a listing of all the verses for 2023. We know you take very seriously your accountability before God when it comes to teaching your child God’s word. Thank you for…
Children’s Guide for Christmas Hymn Sing 2022
Thank you for participating in this years Christmas Hymn Sing! Below you find the music and lyrics for the songs the children will be singing. Children’s Guide Event Location Date Time Practice #1 Redeemer Bible Church 12/11 Immediately after Service Practice #2 Redeemer Bible Church 12/18 Immediately after Service Hymn Sing Redeemer Bible Church 12/21 7:00 PM Music: The First Noel Silent Night Lyrics: THE FIRST NOEL Verse 1: The first No-el the angel did say, Was to…
2022 Redeemer Kids Memory Verses
2023 Memory verse are here! Each week your child will begin memorizing a new Bible verse in their Redeemer Kids Sunday School class. They will be given a printed copy of the verse to take home with them so that YOU may help them complete memorization of the verse before the next class. Below is a listing of all the verses for 2022. We know you take very seriously your accountability before God when it comes to teaching your child…

COVID-19 Update #3
(October 2020) Dear Church Family, For the past 6 months, your elders have continually sought to both honor the Lord Jesus and care for His people in all the decisions we have made. Because there are different commands in Scripture, it has not always been easy determining what we should be doing. This is also why you see differences in how various churches are responding, as elders are wrestling through what God would have them do. At this stage, we…
Parking Lot Renovation
Instructions: 1. Fill out a pledge form below or at the information table a church. If you pledge using the physical form please place your pledge in the offering box. Note: One time gifts are accepted by simply selecting “Building Fund” while you give. Loading… 2. Give at and select “Building Fund“. In person write “Building Fund” on your offering envelope.

COVID-19 Update #2
Pastor Aaron address Redeemer Church in our second video update regarding COVID-19. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions you might have.
COVID-19 Update #1
Hello dear saints of Redeemer Church. I want to update you on what we the elders have decided for us regarding the Corona Virus. There is a ton of information regarding the Corona Virus (COVID-19) swirling around out there. I know for some it can be scary and for others, it can be frustrating. It is always best to go to the source of information to make the best decisions (Proverbs 25:2). This is what I, along with the elders…
Making Disciples
When one is saved from their sin and finds forgiveness through the gospel of Jesus Christ by faith, they are not automatically raptured up into heaven. The church of Christ and all its members are still on this earth. Why is this? Why would Christ not bring us to be with Him (John 17:24) once we place our faith in Him? Is God some sort of cruel master who enjoys watching us suffer through this life? The answer is “certainly…