Posts from 2020
Parking Lot Renovation
Instructions: 1. Fill out a pledge form below or at the information table a church. If you pledge using the physical form please place your pledge in the offering box. Note: One time gifts are accepted by simply selecting “Building Fund” while you give. Loading… 2. Give at and select “Building Fund“. In person write “Building Fund” on your offering envelope.

COVID-19 Update #2
Pastor Aaron address Redeemer Church in our second video update regarding COVID-19. Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions you might have.
COVID-19 Update #1
Hello dear saints of Redeemer Church. I want to update you on what we the elders have decided for us regarding the Corona Virus. There is a ton of information regarding the Corona Virus (COVID-19) swirling around out there. I know for some it can be scary and for others, it can be frustrating. It is always best to go to the source of information to make the best decisions (Proverbs 25:2). This is what I, along with the elders…